Tim again. How are you? Sorry about the long period between updates, we are trying to live each day to the fullest and sometimes we don't have an opportunity to update the blog since it takes awhile to write it. Now, on to the rest of our week:
Thursday June 14, 2018
It was an indoor day since the weather was not cooperating. We stayed in with the kids in the morning and watched "Inside Out" after our morning circle and snack. After the movie, we did an experiment with copper coins (in America, they are called Pennies, but in Lithuania, it is called a 1 or 2 Euro Cent)
and we showed off the cleaning power of either Water, Soap and Water, or Salt and Vinegar. The kids were amazed when they saw the Salt and Vinegar in action because it cleaned the coins almost instantly!

After lunch we had the kids make Decotropes, which are circles with patterns on them that are then glued to a stick. You spin the stick in your hands really fast to make the patterns combine and it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, in my class there is a kid called Boris...and he is a troublemaker. He is constantly talking out of line, causing disruptions, and just generally very rude. In the past, he has been very belligerent, and did not want to follow rules. Last week for example, he did not want to hold my hand when we were walking outside (all of the kids have a buddy and are required to hold hands when outside) so he was scratching at my hand and pulling away, and even went as far as biting me on the arm. Today during the Decotrope project, he scream out a profanity (motherf*cker), and I had to take him to the office. He was definitely the worst part of my week...
After camp, we just headed home and relaxed for the remainder of the evening.
Friday June 15, 2018

The weather was much nicer and we were able to take the kids to the playground to play.
Unfortunately, one of the kids (Une) was not feeling well and threw up after playing. She was my star pupil and I missed her for the rest of the day.

After the playground, we watched "WALL-E". The day was very relaxed and the kids were well behaved. Aftyn's class did memory games and one of her students even brought his guitar and performed for the class. We presented the kids with participation awards and then the parents picked them up.

Once the camp was over, we went out for dinner with Marija and we met her friend Guoda at a Vegan Bistro in downtown Vilnius.

I had an amazing "Mexican" Mushroom burger and Aftyn had a "Loaded Jack" (potatoes and pulled jackfruit). It was "Culture Night" in Vilnius, and there were thousands of people downtown. We watched a theatrical football game in the Cathedral Square and perused around for awhile before renting some Aviva bikes and rode home.
Saturday June 16, 2018

We spent the morning sleeping in and hanging out around the flat. In the afternoon, we decided to go out for awhile and headed downtown. I really wanted to look for a portable to-go container and wanted to check out an army surplus store. They didn't have exactly what I wanted so we were going to head to another outdoor store. On the way though, we ran into a pop-up market that was happening and was not a usual thing. There were several vendors with different types of honey, handmade wares, food, handmade jewelry, and many other things. It reminded us of the Saturday Market in Portland. We grabbed a snack and some souvenirs and then made our way to the outdoor store across the river. Little did I know, they actually closed at 4PM (!) and we had arrived around 5PM... Oh well...
We rode the bikes home and relaxed around the flat. Around midnight there were fireworks going off in the city center, which was pretty cool.
Sunday June 17, 2018
Today was spent hanging around the flat and doing laundry, so nothing special.
We decided to follow up on some of our travel plans and will actually not be doing the Workaway program in Poland. Instead, we plan to travel on our own for awhile before heading home.
Love from Lithuania!
Checkout all of our photos in our European Adventure 2018 album:
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